Mathematical Solutions.........

Regression analysis

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Conversion utilities

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Independent, non-profitable software & technology developments of Dr. Larry Nylund

Regression Analysis - Graphing - Scientific Calculator - Unit Conversion

Unit Conversion Utilities:  Convert between 1618 units in 75 different measurement categories
  UnitConvertor-A v2.4.51 UnitConvertor-B v2.5.51 UnitConvertor-C v2.6.51 UnitConvertor-D v2.7.51
Type Common converters Engineering & Fluid converters Electricity, Magnetism & Sound converters Heat, Light & Radiology converters
Number of units 783 352 196 287
Number of categories 20 17 20 18
Categories Acceleration, Angle, Area, Computer/Data storage, Concentration-molar, Density, Distance/Length, Energy/Work, Flow, Force, Light/Illumination, Mass/Weight, Power, Pressure, Speed/Velocity, Temperature, Time, Torque, Volume/Capacity, Volume - Dry Acceleration -Angular, Concentration -Solution, Data Transfer, Flow -Mass, Flow -Molar, Mass Flux Density, Moment of Force, Moment of Inertia, Numbers, Permeability, Prefixes, Specific Volume, Surface Tension, Typography, Velocity -Angular, Viscosity -Dynamic, Viscosity -Kinematic, Volume -Lumber Charge, Current, Electric Conductance, Electric Conductivity, Electric Field Strength, Electric Potential, Electric Resistance, Electric Resistivity, Electrostatic Capacitance, Inductance, Linear Charge Density, Linear Current Density, Magnetic Field Strength, Magnetic Flux, Magnetic Flux Density, Magnetomotive Force, Sound, Surface Charge Density, Surface Current Density, Volume Charge Density Digital Image Resolution, Frequency Wavelength, Fuel Consumption, Fuel Efficiency -Mass,Fuel Efficiency -Volume, Heat Density, Heat Flux Density, Heat Transfer Coefficient, Luminance, Luminous Intensity, Radiation, Radiation -Absorbed Dose, Radiation -Activity, Radiation -Exposure, Specific Heat Capacity, Thermal Conductivity, Thermal Expansion, Thermal Resistance

Unit Conversion Utility - UnitConvertor-A v2.4.51 

UnitConvertor-A is a professional and comprehensive unit-convert computer program. It has very useful interface that is quick in action, easy to use and other distinctive features.

UnitConvertor-A embraces 783 kinds of units in 20 different categories:
Acceleration, Angle, Area, Computer/Data storage, Concentration-molar, Density, Distance/Length, Energy/Work, Flow, Force, Light/Illumination, Mass/Weight, Power, Pressure, Speed/Velocity, Temperature, Time, Torque, Volume/Capacity, Volume - Dry

UnitConvertor-A's dialog-style interface consists of one main screen, which offers categories and two scrolling lists of units. The conversion categories are categorized from Acceleration to Volume-Dry. Clicking on a category called up applicable conversion tools.

Conversions are ultra-simple: just select the units and enter the values; and the tool does the rest. If you're looking for an easy-to-use conversion tool that offers just about every unit you can think of and then some more units, look no further.

In addition, users will be able to print their conversion sheets and analyze them at a later time.

Unit Conversion Utility - UnitConvertor-B v2.5.51 

UnitConvertor-B is a Fluid and Engineering unit-convert computer program. It has very useful interface that is quick in action, easy to use and other distinctive features.

UnitConvertor-B embraces 352 kinds of units in 17 different categories:
Acceleration - Angular, Concentration - Solution, Data Transfer, Flow - Mass, Flow - Molar, Mass Flux Density, Moment of Force, Moment of Inertia, Numbers, Permeability, Prefixes, Specific Volume, Surface Tension, Typography, Velocity - Angular, Viscosity - Dynamic, Viscosity - Kinematic, Volume - Lumber

UnitConvertor-B's dialog-style interface consists of one main screen, which offers categories and two scrolling lists of units. The conversion categories are categorized from Acceleration - Angular to Volume - Lumber. Clicking on a category called up applicable conversion tools.

Conversions are ultra-simple: just select the units and enter the values; and the tool does the rest. If you're looking for an easy-to-use conversion tool that offers just about every unit you can think of and then some more units, look no further.

In addition, users will be able to print their conversion sheets and analyze them at a later time.

Unit Conversion Utility - UnitConvertor-C v2.6.51 

UnitConvertor-C is Electricity, Magnetism and Sound unit-convert computer program. It has very useful interface that is quick in action, easy to use and other distinctive features.

UnitConvertor-C embraces 196 kinds of units in 20 different categories:
Charge, Current, Electric Conductance, Electric Conductivity, Electric Field Strength, Electric Potential, Electric Resistance, Electric Resistivity, Electrostatic Capacitance, Inductance, Linear Charge Density, Linear Current Density, Magnetic Field Strength, Magnetic Flux, Magnetic Flux Density, Magnetomotive Force, Sound, Surface Charge Density, Surface Current Density, Volume Charge Density

UnitConvertor-C's dialog-style interface consists of one main screen, which offers categories and two scrolling lists of units. The conversion categories are categorized from Charge to Volume Charge Density. Clicking on a category called up applicable conversion tools.

Conversions are ultra-simple: just select the units and enter the values; and the tool does the rest. If you're looking for an easy-to-use conversion tool that offers just about every unit you can think of and then some more units, look no further.

In addition, users will be able to print their conversion sheets and analyze them at a later time.

Unit Conversion Utility - UnitConvertor-D v2.7.51 

UnitConvertor-D is Heat, Light and Radiology unit-convert computer program. It has very useful interface that is quick in action, easy to use and other distinctive features.

UnitConvertor-D embraces 287 kinds of units in 18 different categories:
Digital Image Resolution, Frequency Wavelength, Fuel Consumption, Fuel Efficiency - Mass, Fuel Efficiency - Volume, Heat Density, Heat Flux Density, Heat Transfer Coefficient, Luminance, Luminous Intensity, Radiation, Radiation - Absorbed Dose, Radiation - Activity, Radiation - Exposure, Specific Heat Capacity, Thermal Conductivity, Thermal Expansion, Thermal Resistance

UnitConvertor-D's dialog-style interface consists of one main screen, which offers categories and two scrolling lists of units. The conversion categories are categorized from Digital Image Resolution to Thermal Resistance. Clicking on a category called up applicable conversion tools.

Conversions are ultra-simple: just select the units and enter the values; and the tool does the rest. If you're looking for an easy-to-use conversion tool that offers just about every unit you can think of and then some more units, look no further.

In addition, users will be able to print their conversion sheets and analyze them at a later time.

The software presented on these pages are for Save-the-Children charity.

Copyright © 2025 Larry Nylund
Institute of Mathematics and Statistics
Helsinki, Finland
All Rights Reserved